Creative writing is what I really love
Most recently my microfiction piece ‘Monkey Blood’ was published in the Nostalgia (Winter 2018) issue of Popshot Magazine, a quarterly print magazine featuring new poetry, short stories and flash fiction by international writers.
Flash fiction #100
Being the indecisive Libran that I am, I wanted to stretch my wings and try out lots of writing styles, topics and settings. I set myself the challenge of writing 100 microfiction stories inspired by my inkscapes.
You can read examples of my writing and follow my 100 day project here. I also have a regular fiction column in Vale Life, a bimonthly lifestyle magazine in the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire area.Creative writing
I’m currently editing the first draft of an adventure novel. More to follow in 2019!
Writing and editing for corporate clients
I manage Pinsharp Communications Ltd, a consultancy providing translation, editorial and writing services. I specialise in copywriting and content creation.
Read more about my professional background here.